Why Gen Three SCS?

As a dedicated and professional supervision agency, we specialise in providing independent, impartial and child focused supervision, enabling children to reconnect with or continue maintaining meaningful relationships with a parent or caregiver they do not reside with.    

  • With no waiting lists, we can accommodate your contact requirements expediently.
  • We offer highly-personalised professional supervision services. Every case is centered in care and managed by dedicated and experienced personnel.
  • We cater to fly-in/out rosters, people with fixed working hours and personal commitments.
  • Our practice adopts a child-focused, trauma-informed approach to care.

Our services extend to the Perth, Peel, and the South West regions, with the capacity to offer our service further afield throughout Western Australia. In recognising that each family circumstance is unique, Gen Three offers a cost-effective and highly personalised service to clients according to the individual requirements of each family, including catering to fly-in/out rosters and those with fixed working hours and personal commitments.

Our services are available weekdays, weekends, and public holidays, and at times that work best with the families themselves. Our professional supervision service attends home,  community, and/or  designated centre bases dependant on the suitability, needs and consent of each party and as informed by court order and our intake and risk assessment protocols.  We pride ourselves on organising and facilitating visits in an expedient manner to ensure visits can commence as soon as possible.

Gen Three Supervised Contact Service accepts referrals from individuals, legal representatives, the Family Court of Western Australia, and the Department of Communities. Whilst our immediate service is focused on ensuring the child’s wellbeing in the company of their parent, our professional expertise extends to written observational report writing to the standard expected by the courts.  In recognition of our dedication and professional commitment, our company is a member of The Australian Children’s Contact Services Association.

If you believe we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 436 333 or email info@genthreescs.com.au. Alternatively, if you are ready for Gen Three to manage your contact requirements please complete the new client form and we will be in touch within 24 hours.